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Violeta Rodríguez's first contact with contemporary dance was in 2000, when she started studying at the Dance Department (Universidad de Los Andes) of her home city, Mérida, in the Venezuelan Andes. There she followed the cursus of contemporary and ballet technique until 2004.


The artistic environment of her family of musicians encouraged her development as a complete artist, cultivating not only her dance abilities, but also her incursions in plastic arts, music and creative writing.


Between 2006 and until 2008 she was a dancer for the Company Terpsis, where she participated in several projects with different choreographers, such as Rafael Nieves, Reinaldo Mijares, Tatiana Gómez and Mireya Tamayo, the artistic director of the company. In 2007 she created the duet Espacio para 2, in collaboration with Oswaldo García. At the same time, Violeta studied traditional venezuelan dances, and sang in two different groups of early music (1996-2008). In 2008 she created the solos Horizonte Blanco and Carrusel. All these pieces where performed in different Festivals of Mérida, Barquisimeto and Valencia. In 2009, she obtained the Degree of Bachelor in Modern Languages. Several teaching experiences in Venezuela, France and Switzerland have also nourrished her work since 2008.


In 2010 Violeta moved to France, where she studied dance in the professional school CF Adage (Bordeaux), with Carole Vergne, Patricia Henriques, Ludovic Lézin, Sonia Appel, Martial Bocksteale, Silvie Daverat and Ophélie Orion. In 2011 she was chosen to form the company of the school. She participated in the creation of several pieces with Marie-Françoise Garcia, Gilles Baron, Regina Advento (Cie Pina Bausch), Sonia Appel (Cie Trajectoires) and Sabri Colin (Cie Kafig). The pieces were performed in Bordeaux, Biarritz, Pessac, Talence, Seignosse et Wuppertal.In July 2011, she participated in the project Mayfly, directed by Franck Berjont.


Between 2011 and 2013, she has made several dance films with her collaborator and filmmaker Seb Farges. Since 2014 she works as a choreographer in the Cie du désert. In addition to her choreographic work, she also teaches contemporary and traditional dances in schools and cultural centers.

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